Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dreamin' of the islands...

Today as I walk around in my winter boots... parking so near a snow drift that I have to half open the door and "squeegee" out of my car into 2 foot snow... I remember the islands of Greece.

I was flown there this past summer to shoot a wedding. It was a busy time, but also an amazing trip! In 8 days I shot a wedding, did five other shoots of families/individuals, spent two days on an island and had great visits on the balcony with my sister and family who live there. My friend, Michelle, traveled with me and the whole week seems surreal.

I remember taking it all in... taking deep breaths and being so very grateful for this gift of being there. My family and I lived in Greece on two diff. occasions totaling almost 5 years... so when I landed it felt like I had finally come home... I miss it so!

On the island of Hydra we walked the amazing cobblestone streets with my camera capturing all of the simple beauty at every turn, rested on a wonderful, quiet beach (remember I have four kids. :)), ate dinner at a fabulous restaurant overlooking the sea (after walking about a mile up steep cobblestone steps, we were famished! ha. Maybe that is the restaurants plan). :) Stayed at a hotel on the rooftop floor with an amazing view of the sea and island hillsides... ate breakfast on a quaint patio with such simple fresh food. Ahhh... truly it seems like a dream.

So, needless to say, I am ready for another destination wedding. :) I see there are many readers of this blog that are out of country... keep me in mind if you are planning a wedding! I am ready to made new memories in a new land! Your photographs will be fabulous. It will be my DELIGHT to make them unforgettable!

So, for now, I will call upon my memories of the amazing land of Greece, and look at my photographs while I am curled up inside looking at the beauty of the snow covering the earth here in Indiana.

Much love to you all,

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