Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wedding prep and a Dancing three year old...

Smilin' big as I write today! I am loving what my day is full of! I am in the midst of chatting with my amazing brides as we plan details of their weddings this summer... setting up consults and time to dream together and working to make those dreams come true! I have been asked if I will travel to do weddings... yes, I will! I have several Chicago shoots coming up! So, feel free to contact me via my website... lets set the date and dream!! yea!

As I am on the computer, I glance over to some movement out of the corner of my eye... there is my three year old, having put on a nice SUMMER spag. strap dress on this 8 degree day... to top it off, she is twirlin' and swirlin' to a little Taylor Swift. She has a huge smile and is abandoned to her dancing! Oh, man, I love how uninhibited children are!

I think when she takes her nap maybe I will do some twirlin'! The kind that you just put your arms out and twirl until you fall on the ground laughing and then lay there and dream a little... I may just dream about what amazing creativity I can't wait to bring to my weddings this year! Or maybe I will dream about my wedding almost 18 years ago and the adventure of a life I have been able to live with the love of my life! Either way... I want to twirl and dream! yea, baby!

Lots of love!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eva and the Band Aid...

Our little Eva... she is so sick and her nose is doing that constant running thing... sigh...

Well, that constant drip (gross, I know) has made her little nose so sore. She disappears upstairs for a bit... when she emerges once again, her nose is "flanked" by two bandaids!

Her response to my questioning eyes?... "mom, I told you my nose is sore, so it needs bandaids... they will make it feel better!"

Makes sense to me... in a three year old sort of way. Hmmm... but sure makes the kleenex wiping a bit tricky. ha.

Because each post is better with a picture... here is our little "band aid Eva."

Lots of love!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weddings... weddings... weddings!!

Weddings, baby!

I just have to do a quick shout out to those brides and grooms giving me the PRIVILEGE to shoot your weddings!!

I continue to get calls and e mails to shoot weddings... and each time I am so jazzed! I had four calls in one week recently and was delighted with each call! I just love shooting weddings. We have a blast, my creative juices are rollin' and we capture the emotion of the day! What a treasure! The best is capturing those 'in between moments' that show the heart of the day... of the couple!

So, here's to weddings, weddings, and more weddings! Your day is going to be fabulous!!

Love ya all!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chicago... Chicago...

Chicago... Chicago... I love the city!

This is the beauty of being a natural light photographer... I can find that natural light anywhere! Every location can serve as a fab backdrop!

Recently I have been contacted by several families/individuals who have found me through my website. The question is the same... "Will you travel to the city to do a shoot with our family?"

My reply, "ABSOLUTELY"! The city has such great texture and amazing urban feel! So many possibilities!! So, I look forward to traveling to the wonderful city of Chicago and having a blast with each of you! Each time I do a shoot, whether in the city or even country... you will come away with photographs that are one of a kind that you will treasure! Plus, what fun we have! So... location location! Next up? CHICAGO!

lots of love!


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sun and Snow...

I walk outside today and the snow is there... but something is different... The sun is shining!!

I love the sun reflected off of the snow. It reminds me of the warmth that I so miss this time of year, joined with the beauty of the snow.

I needed that today. You see, both of my sisters live very far away. They were both here for a bit. My one sister, Whitney, lives in St. Maartin. She and her hubby own a scuba, snorkel and Sea Trek discovery business there. Yes, she dives with the sharks and even has a little shark bite scar to show for it. For some reason I think that is kind of cool. :) My other sister, Marcy, lives with her hubby and four kids in Greece. My daughter and her girls are like sisters. So, yesterday we had to say goodbye... again... sigh.

I have to admit it was very rough... the girls embraced and cried... I came home and quietly cried much of the day. I am thankful that we sisters are so close, and grateful that our parents nurtured that.

As I woke today, I remembered that my sisters were gone, and I don't know the next time we will see one another... I looked out the window and saw that sunshine light upon the snow... it truly SPARKLED! I was reminded that "Joy comes in the morning..." Today is a new day!

Because blogs are better with a picture... the one above is one I did in the snowy weather of my niece who lives in Greece.

Enjoy the snow... and the sun!
lots of love,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dreamin' of the islands...

Today as I walk around in my winter boots... parking so near a snow drift that I have to half open the door and "squeegee" out of my car into 2 foot snow... I remember the islands of Greece.

I was flown there this past summer to shoot a wedding. It was a busy time, but also an amazing trip! In 8 days I shot a wedding, did five other shoots of families/individuals, spent two days on an island and had great visits on the balcony with my sister and family who live there. My friend, Michelle, traveled with me and the whole week seems surreal.

I remember taking it all in... taking deep breaths and being so very grateful for this gift of being there. My family and I lived in Greece on two diff. occasions totaling almost 5 years... so when I landed it felt like I had finally come home... I miss it so!

On the island of Hydra we walked the amazing cobblestone streets with my camera capturing all of the simple beauty at every turn, rested on a wonderful, quiet beach (remember I have four kids. :)), ate dinner at a fabulous restaurant overlooking the sea (after walking about a mile up steep cobblestone steps, we were famished! ha. Maybe that is the restaurants plan). :) Stayed at a hotel on the rooftop floor with an amazing view of the sea and island hillsides... ate breakfast on a quaint patio with such simple fresh food. Ahhh... truly it seems like a dream.

So, needless to say, I am ready for another destination wedding. :) I see there are many readers of this blog that are out of country... keep me in mind if you are planning a wedding! I am ready to made new memories in a new land! Your photographs will be fabulous. It will be my DELIGHT to make them unforgettable!

So, for now, I will call upon my memories of the amazing land of Greece, and look at my photographs while I am curled up inside looking at the beauty of the snow covering the earth here in Indiana.

Much love to you all,

Monday, January 11, 2010


I know... crazy... a recipe on a photographers blog... :)
What can I say, I am a photographer who also loves to cook!
Through this blog, I hope you get to know me and as you comment, I get to know you, too! So, don't forget to comment below the post! One of my goals this year is to post at least 5 days a week... so be sure to check in often. You never know what might be featured each day!
Enough chat... onto the recipe promised. :)
This recipe is a great salad! So refreshing. Enjoy!
Spinach Salad with Basil Dressing
Basil dressing :
1/2c olive oil
1/4c balsamic vinegar
5 fresh basil leaves, chopped
2t sugar
1 clove garlic minced
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 pound fresh spinach
1 avocado, peeled and sliced
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes sliced in half
1/2c crumbled feta cheese
1/2c pine nuts toasted
Dressing needs to be made at least 1 hour ahead. Spinach leaves may be prepared and refrigerated in a zip lock bag 1 day ahead.
For dressing, combine oil, vinegar, basil, sugar, garlic, salt and pepper in a blender. Blend well. Chill dressing 1 to 2 hours.
Wash and dry spinach. Remove stems and tear into small pieces.
Toss spinach with dressing, tomato, avocado, cheese and pinenuts.
Meet you back here tomorrow... let me know if you made it and enjoyed it!
lots of love,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter shoots

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Before you completely rule out a winter shoot... take a look at these photos...

Now, I know there are some days that neither you nor I want to be out there. Even I say no to ice storms and below zero temps. :) But some winter days are just wonderful for a shoot!

I had a blast shooting this family. All of the kids were troopers and the parents had so much fun watching the kids do this shoot in the winter weather. There was so much laughter and I just got lost in the day and the shoot. I had so much fun!! So, if you are thinking of doing a winter shoot... go for it!! We will have a great time and your photos with be so unique!

Happy winter!!

lots of love,


Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow... snow... snow...

As I look out the window all I can see is snow, snow and more snow...

It is the big, fluffy soft kind... beautiful to look at... fun to play in! Now I am not one of these gals who loves the snow and cold. I would rather be on a beach with warm sun shining down on me... or watching the kiddos playing in the sprinkler. But even I can get on board with this snow when I look out the window and capture a moment between my almost13 year old and 3 year old... I love all seasons as I see it thru our kiddos eyes. :)

This is a perfect example of how a photograph can capture and freeze an amazing moment in time... a treasure for you! So, let me encourage you to have your camera at hand as much a possible. Peek at your kids playing, through your lens, and snap that moment. It will delight your soul for years to come!

Happy snowy day!
lots of love...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jazzed for Weddings!!


When I think of shooting weddings, I am JAZZED!

I LOVE shooting weddings! The day is filled with so much emotion, laughter... JOY!

When I catch those in between moments, I think I am as excited as the bride and groom when they see them!

I have had so many calls just in the last week... It is an honor! Truly.

Lots of love!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Simple Things

This is a new year! A fresh canvas...

Life gets so crazy sometimes. So busy, the days filled to the brim!

This year I so want to take the time to notice all around me...

to enjoy each piece of life.

This is one of the reasons I love love my camera and what I get to do!

Not only do I get to enjoy this season of life...

I get to capture it for my family and so many fabulous people!!

So, lets go!! Can't wait to see what 2010 holds!

I can't wait to hear from you and spend a day together catching life!
Lots of love!