Monday, February 1, 2010

Glue and all that swirls around it...

My house... four kids, four voices, four bodies needing to bathe, four children's laundry to wash and fold... toys somehow ending up in every room... Laughing, crying, yelling, creating... Four kids to daily remind that they can do whatever they put their hearts to... Me, not perfect by far... too impatient some days, but lovin' em' like crazy!

At the eve of the day, my husband walks in the door... some days to calm, most days to chaos... but ALL days the kids rush to the door, "daddy!!!"

After all of the events of the eve, we tuck them in bed, and let out our breathe to relax... Then my eye goes to the table and I see that single stick of glue there... I smile as I am reminded that this season of life is so short and I need to be intentional... enjoy each piece of it... every one of these school supply shoppin', craft making... whirlwind days... Tomorrow opens yet another day.

I think I just may leave that little glue stick sittin' right there... yep, leave it there to remind me again tomorrow...

Lots of love all!


1 comment:

  1. I am smiling as I read this... You so get it... As one whose kids have long passed the glue stage I applaud you're decision to just let it sit there to remind you!!! :) love you! keep writing... love vicki
