Sunday, February 14, 2010


There seems to be a theme that has been on my heart lately... a word that keeps coming to my mouth... GRATEFUL.

I hear myself giving my kids talks about how we need to be grateful... I hear myself talking to my husband about how we need to do better to help instill a grateful heart into our children. It is a big thing with me. Yet, the harder thing to look at is... AM I GRATEFUL?

Am I being an example to those around me of someone with a grateful heart? At the deep down soul of me... the part where no one but the Lord sees... am I truly grateful??

One thing that I hope you see woven throughout this blog is that although I love photography... LOVE IT... I am passionate about the Lord. I know that He is the most amazing artist of all! I pray with each session that He will bring to the surface all that He created and allow me to capture it with the passion and creativity that HE created it with!

So, why do I bring that up in a blog about being grateful? (here is where my hubby would think maybe I went off of on one of those bunny trails I tend to take... ha... but we always come around full circle, right, gals)? No, this wasn't a bunny trail... I brought the Lord up because I was reminded that when I spend more time with Him... know Him more and more... A grateful heart is an outflowing of that time together.

I know this is a photographers blog... but I also want you to see my heart... my life... to be real with you. I am a passionate gal, who loves a passionate God... and He has given me a passion to CAPTURE life through creative, clean, crisp perspective! Yea... I want a grateful heart... a deep deep gratitude tumblin' from my lips... reflected by my life.

lots of love!


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