Friday, March 5, 2010


It has been on my heart lately... that life is truly a journey.

Our life here on earth is so limited - actually quite brief, so how are we numbering our days? Are we intentional or are our days running us?

No matter my life circumstances, do I try and see the blessings before me, and focus on those or do I allow the heavy things in life to weigh me down and steal my joy?

I love that we have one another... lets take each day to encourage someone in the details of their life today... but not to remain discouraged in that time together. We can hurt for someone... ache for them... absolutely love them...but how can we breathe encouragement into their lives if we fall into having a negative outlook, or speaking negative thoughts into lives?

Sometimes being a photographer gives me a different outlook on life. As I view so much through my lens... I see details often overlooked... beauty, simple joys and also sometimes the reality of the imperfections of this world. But, I pray that as I see my days are numbered, I can bring some cool moments... sometimes missed... to my clients. I hope I can bring some laughter and lightness, yet depth of heart as we delight in the joys of time spent together and unexpected moments captured.

THAT gets this photographer JAZZED!

Life is a journey. Lets walk it with our eyes wide open and make the most of our days! Lets be that voice that brings a breath of fresh air to those around us. Absolutely be real, share in life... but in the end, focus on the blessings and walk forward.

Lots of love,

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

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