Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beach and a fallish Wedding!

Fall + The Beach = FABULOUS!

It was a beautiful October day.  The wind was blowing, but not too hard, the sky opened up at one point for some beautiful photographs of Alan and Calli... it was a photographers dream day!

Alan and Calli decided to do a first look!  This is so very wonderful for the photographs and the bride and groom. :)  They get some moments together to soak in the emotion of the day before the ceremony.  Then the emotion is no less as he sees her walk down the aisle a bit later.  swoon!! 

After the first look, we headed to the beach for photographs.  All of the excitement and depth of the their wedding day shone through!  It was cool out, being October in Michigan, but I truly think they hardly noticed. :)  It was a wonderful, initmate wedding from start to finish!  It was such an honor and treat to get to document their day!

Here are some of my favs!!

I heart this photo!  I am not sure what it is about it... maybe the retro feel.. one of my very favs!

Anticipation... wedding soon!

Love the expressions on the guests faces!

ok, seriously, Calli... this could be the cover of a mag!  You are gorgeous!


Love "in between" photographs!  Capture true emotion... :


The sky opened up for them!  Its true!


I had to include this of Calli and her siblings!  Love it!  Hollywood style!  You guys are hot!
I can't wait to see all that is ahead of you, Alan and Calli!
Love you both!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Booking Weddings and smilin'!

Sitting here at the computer... editing... blogging... and snifflin' away as I fight a cold.  But even as the clock ticks and it gets later and later, it is so hard to close up shop and head to bed...

Why?  Because I am so thankful for the year past and the year to come!  I am booking weddings for 2011 and each call I get just completely DELIGHTS me! 

I just KNOW that I have the best couples EVER!!  We walk through that amazing day together and there is so much joy, laughter... and often a bit of craziness (I love a good bit of crazy at a wedding)!  Then I get to come home and go through the raw images and smile all over again! 

Several years ago, I said I would never do weddings... then I did my first one... and then there was no turning back!  I love every aspect of shooting a wedding.  I love capturing the story to tell later and then adding that boutique style creativity to my images. 

So, I better finally turn off my computer and head to sleep... it has been a FULL year of shooting weddings and I look to 2011 to be the same!  I would LOVE to book a few more Chicago and Michigan weddings.  and... YES, I DO TRAVEL.  I love me a destination wedding!  Contact me through my website to set up a consult! 

Much love to the world out there and to all of those couples dreaming and planning...

 It WILL be amazing!!



Ok, Calli and Alan got married so fast, I didn't have a chance to post engagement photos!! :)

I LOVE engagement sessions!  We get such a great feel of working together!  As your wedding photographer, I am with you all day, so it is great to have this "practice" before the wedding!  Plus, it is just so much fun!! 

Calli and Alan were so great.  It was a cool day, and Alan was a bit under the weather, but you would never have known!  You will see the emotion that comes through in the photographs.  They are truly an amazing match. 

Love you guys!  Can't wait to post wedding photographs... since you were only engaged

coming soon... but for now here are some of my favs from the engage shoot... :)



You guys are so cute!

...and HOT!!

Lovin' the look on his face as he looks at Calli!

I had so much fun! 
The camera LOVED you, too!  So jazzed about your life together!
much much love,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Matt and Natalie!!

Matt and Natalie!!

Months ago when I did Matt and Natalie's engage shoot, I just fell in love with them!  They are so much fun, so very kind to one another, very much in love and a DREAM to photograph! 

When the wedding day rolled around, I came to realize that their families and wedding party were cut out of that same cloth.  I laughed so much this day.  I LOVED watching them all together and the day was amazing from start to finish!  Natalie was a dream in her dress and Matt, so handsome! 
The wedding party was a complete BLAST!  Never a dull moment this day! :)

One of the best things about being a wedding photographer is being able to be a part of these amazing days while documenting them! 

Here are some favs... I couldn't post only a few... love them!!

Natlie getting ready... flawless!

LOVE these shoes!!  And that ring!! 

Absoultely breathtaking!

Sigh, Natalie, you are stunning!

Gorgeous girls!!

Can you feel the attitudes?? love it!

Attitude didn't stop with the guys!  These girls were hot! :)

Ok... I don't even have words... sigh...

Stunning... Stunning... Stunning...

Emotion pours from this photograph!  Love love love!

Matt and Natalie are fun!  And HOT!!  You guys rock!

I am so happy and excited for you both! 
Thank you for allowing me to document your day.  I can't wait to see all that the future holds for you!
Much love,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mansions, barns and a party tent! Fabulous wedding!!

 Ben and Betsy are such an amazing couple!  After the wedding he would be heard quietly proclaiming, "I got to marry HER!"  The super cool thing is that they are equally smitten with one another. :) 

They got married at the Barker Mansion in Michigan City.  This is one of my FAV. venues as a photographer!  So many great places to take photographs!  They were just effortless and basked in the joy of the day. 

Then we headed out to the barns for some fun photos.  Then it was off to a reception under a white tent with twinkling lights, great food and wine, heartfelt toasts, laughter and lots of dancing! 

It was my DELIGHT to capture this day!  Every piece of the day was marked with laughter and JOY! 

So excited for you both!

Here are some of my favs...

 Beautiful Betsy...

Did I mention that her dress is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G?

Betsy and her girl!  Ahhh!  So sweet!

I couldn't resist this great shower and Betsy made it a work of art!


So excited for you to begin this new season in life!

love you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Barn Wedding... Oh Yea!

So... I LOVE me a great barn wedding!!  The green pasture... the animals taking it all in... a reception in the hayloft... and a super fun bride and groom!  This wedding was so much fun!  The details were unbelieveable...  Here are some of my favs... but I could have posted pages more! 

Each wedding I feel honored all over again to be able to document it and see it all unfold in front of me!  I LOVE being a wedding photographer!  Thanks again and again!  Enjoy this little peek into their day!

Stunning bride!!

What stylin' bridesmaids!!

Notice the chicken! ha!  True barn wedding!


I loved the shoes!!

All of the guys wore these in place of flowers!  I love love these!!

Details were unbelieveable!!

Look at these place settings!!!  wow!

The wedding party!!! 

The couple near the end of the day! 

I had so much fun and wish you sooo many years of happiness and joy!!
much love,