Monday, November 23, 2009


A glimpse into the past... so many years ago... Daddy and 3 of the kids...

Monday... it is here again...

We wake in our house to the kids groggily (is that a word?) climbing out of bed. Asking if it is really Monday already? Begging me to "turn out the lights... too bright, mom!" By the time I drop them at school... we are saying our "i love you's"... Then it is time for Eva and I to head home and start our week, too.

Sometimes the week ahead can be overwhelming... when will it all get done... I am so tired... was up watching movies with kids and hubby and then editing after that. I am finding that when i begin my Mondays, it is all about perspective... and asking for wisdom in ordering my days.

These days pass so quickly... before I know it I won't be hearing the chatter of 4 kids (although sometimes the chatter could lower a few levels!), see the boys tear through the house with light sabers... All four either laughing or yelling at each other... ok, maybe I won't miss cleaning the toothpaste off the bathroom counter! But, the older I get the more I see and understand the brevity of life... how fast these amazing... and, yes, sometimes"trying" days go with our kiddos... with those we love.

This is the start of a new week... new perspective... fresh outlook... its Monday!

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